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AXIS Pledge

We are committed to attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce and therefore pledge to:


  1. analyse the underlying reasons for any gender imbalance and/or gender pay gap in our organisation;

  2. follow a strategic plan, including clear ambitious targets, to deliver positive change; and

  3. be transparent with our staff and communicate on our progress.


What is the AXIS Pledge?​


The AXIS Pledge is a commitment by companies operating in the UK energy sector to work towards equal pay, equal leadership, and equal opportunities for women and men, starting now. The Pledge asks companies to work to understand the underlying reasons behind their gender gap, take positive actions to close it, and to openly communicate on this with their staff.


We believe that in this way, those operating in the sector can meaningfully shift the dial on gender balance together.


Why focus on gender?


The gender balance of our population is 50/50, yet the UK energy workforce population is 25% women to men, with this dropping to 15% women to men at leadership level. Neither gender is actually a diverse group, but the actions that we take to improve gender balance, have a positive impact on creating inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive.


Why do we need this pledge?


Deirdre Michie, former CEO of OGUK, says:


“This sector has thrived and survived because of our talented and pioneering colleagues. However, if our industry is to remain relevant in a changing and challenging environment, it will need to attract and retain a diversity of talent, skills, experience and thought, as well as ensure inclusive and collaborative ways of working.


“Fostering a diverse and inclusive working culture is a moral and business imperative that is key to ensuring a competitive and sustainable oil and gas industry that supports the UK’s transition to a net zero economy.


“Our industry supports around 270,000 skilled jobs, but with women representing only one in four of the talent pool, there is clearly still more work to be done.”


We know that many companies want to address gender imbalance and want to demonstrate to their employees and the industry that this is an area they support improvement in and are actively working on. The pledge enables organisations to advertise their commitment to take the simple steps which have been proven to work to address gender imbalance and encourages others to do the same.  Together we can drive meaningful change in our industry.


Why should I sign up?


This pledge signals your commitment to taking steps to advance gender equality in your organisations. We believe this will have meaningful impacts for your organisation's culture, your community, and your bottom line.

It also serves as an opportunity to lead by example, providing a platform to share your success, and help others learn from your experiences.


How do I sign up?


Interested companies should contact us, and we'll arrange to meet with you to discuss sign up. We’ll then add your logo to the website as a signatory, and will arrange annual check-ins to update on your progress.


Do I need to have a strategic plan in place to sign up? 


No. We expect companies to analyse and understand the underlying reasons for any imbalance or gap before putting in place their strategic plan to address the issue.  We anticipate that some companies will already have undertaken that stage and moved on to putting a strategic plan in place, or will have an interim strategic plan.  AXIS believes that it is important for companies to follow their own tailored approach.


What is meant by "targets"?


Targets differ from quotas in that they are aspirational. We advocate for the systematic and behavioural changes required in order for numerical goals to be met, over and above simply meeting the target numbers without addressing the root cause. However, we believe that setting stretching targets helps businesses focus on the necessary steps they need to take to achieve their goals. A true step change in our industry's safety culture was created with the shift to a goal-setting regime in 1990, and we believe that the same step change is required in the drive for gender inclusivity.


What kind of reporting do I need to do?


It is up to you to decide what is suitable for your organisation. We will meet with you on an annual basis to confirm you are following the pledge, and would encourage you to share your success stories with us in order that we can share on our website and via social media as examples of best practice within our industry.


Who can sign up? 


Any organisation operating within the Energy sector can sign up to the pledge.


Where can I see examples of what good practice looks like?


We recommend that companies consider the resources below as a good starting point. Please take a look at our resources page for industry specific guidance and broader resources.  We are also happy to meet with you to discuss.


Government Equalities Office, Actions to Close the Gender Pay Gap











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Our Pledge Signatories




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